Soreness = Evil

Soreness is a tricky little devil. I thought I'd only feel sore the day immediately after a workout. Oh how I was wrong. That little bugger can creep up on you days after. I have to work on really stretching out before and after I exercise. I skipped the pre-stretch, thinking it wouldn't matter. Now, I pay the consequences. My left calf feels really tight and my knees feel tender. I walked at a pretty fast pace this morning to warm up my muscles. It did help a bit. I'm sure I'll be really stiff after sitting at a computer for 8 hours. I'm shooting for 10 full minutes of pre and post stretching tonight.

I ordered green tea pills and a heart rate monitor. Green tea is known to have many health benefits beyond increasing our metabolism rates. The heart rate monitor will come in handy during workouts as well as my speed walks to and from the subway.

Check out the new banner. Trying to spiff up the place.

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