Update and Reflection

I have to say, I'm really proud of myself. I haven't been so diligent about logging my food in...years...ever? You can check out my food log by clicking The Daily Plate button to the right. I had a few days of going over my calorie limit. In the past this would have thrown me into a spin but now it's a way to see my mistakes.

I think I might have finally taken the blindfold off. I hate looking in the mirror. HATE it. But I took a long look and see that I've really neglected my body. It's as if I didn't really know I was fat, I just ignored the situation. Well, it's time to like what I see in the mirror again.

  • Lost weight two weeks in a row!
  • Logged my food for two weeks in a row.
  • Taking vitamins (just about) every day.
  • Only exercised once in the last two weeks. I've been sick with bronchitis. I'm finally on the mend and will workout at home for now.
  • Still not drinking enough water. I want to buy a reusable 1/2 gallon container to fill nightly.
Lessons Learned
  • Logging food right before or soon after allows me to see how many calories I'm allowed for the rest day. The days I've gone over are partly because I logged my whole day at once. If I would have known I was close to my limit, I probably would've cooked a lighter dinner or skipped dessert.
  • Planning a daily menu is far easier than trying to plan for a week or longer at a time. I list my meals for the following day on my dry erase board in the evening.

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