Mastering the Power of Lunch

Today was pretty laid back. I've been low on energy all day. I felt guilty not exercising (I'm not even scheduled to work out today!), but I decided against it and listened to my body. The hubby and I indulged for lunch. I had a chicken quesadilla and fries. Our rationing for this is that it'll keep us from cheating during the week. Thankfully, I couldn't finish the whole meal!

No major lunch prepping this week, although I did make whole wheat rotini pasta w/ chicken and veggies for tomorrow. I learned that salad doesn't last very long in baggies. Besides, there are way too many tasty foods to limit myself to salad. I've been searching for healthy lunch ideas. Bento boxes are really interesting. Click the image for a closer view. It really is an art form in itself, but I've been checking them out simply for healthy lunch combinations.

I'll probably take lunch with me only 3 days this week. To avoid temptation, I've created a list of healthy takeout options I'll allow myself to have around my job:

  • sushi!
  • salad (of course)
  • soup (tons of options)
  • fruit (if I'm not very hungry)
  • Subways or Blimpies chicken wrap (no cheese, oil and vinegar dressing)
  • parfait
I had a 1 lb loss this week but don't feel happy about it. I was expecting more...until I reflected on the past week. Too many desserts , and late night snacking may have been contributing factors. But I'm happy that I stayed in control. Hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day.

Goal of the week: drink at least 6 cups of water a day (this is difficult for me.)

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