Extended Reflection


  • Today was the first day I've been on a scale in over a month. My weight went up, but isn't out of control.
  • My horrible emotional eating habits have resurfaced.
  • I've only worked out once in the last month.
  • Overly focused on my job problems.
  • Lost all motivation.
  • Distracted by too many tasks.
Lessons Learned
  • Health should rein over any other stresses.
  • Bring lunch and stick with it. It'll save me calories and cash.


Mark said...

Just found your blog, hope you are still working hard to reach your goals. While it looks like you've been working hard for awhile, it also looks like you've reached some stumbling blocks. Your body always strive to be in a state of balance, and during a prolonged stint of weight loss you've disrupted that balance. Now is the time to work harder and stay on course! Results will come! Good luck in the future!

Fit By 2009 said...

Thanks, Mark. Yes, our bodies strive to be in balance. Unfortunately, mine is completely out of wack. My immune system of shot. Been sick for a while. I hope to grab the bull by the horns once I'm better.

Anonymous said...

Hi there - Just found your blog by accident. I wanted to let you know that I to am on a mission to get fit by next year.

I have found by taking baby steps, I am much better able to manage things for instance I used to have a diet coke addiction, I'd drink 3 or 4 cans a day. Now I allow myself a can at lunch and drink water the rest of the day.

Bringing my own lunch to work is my next step....

I am hoping slowly, these things will become a habit and less of a thing I have to do because I am watching my weight.

Good Luck!

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