Stress is Sabotaging My Goals

The last two days have been extremely rocky for me. There have been big changes at my job and a lot of people were unexpectedly laid off. Luckily, I still have a job but this has turned my whole fitness routine upside down. This brings me to the subject of stress eating (or lack of.)

There is no way I can eat during a stressful event or when depressed. Nope, not going to happen. Some people run for the fridge, while I try and untie the knot that is my stomach. Now, the aftermath is a different story. In yesterday's case, I didn't eat for 10 hours straight. Repeat: 10 HOURS. Tons of meetings, work to be done, and fear of getting the pink slip stole my appetite. When I finally did eat (at 9pm) I grabbed what was quick, tasty and familiar. 2 1/2 slices of pizza. I gave in. I didn't have the willpower to make good choices.

I also haven't exercised since my bonus workout on Tuesday. I know I should have since it would have relieved a lot of stress, but all I could do is sit still when I got home. I'll be back on track tonight no matter what.

Yup, I need to get it together. I need to create a plan of attack for these types of situations because there will be many to come. I feel completed drained mentally and physically. I'm looking forward to this weekend. Hopefully, I can relight the fire that has gone out.

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