Click to enlarge photos. Here's a peek into my fridge after 1. a new, and clean fridge was delivered and 2. after a weekly grocery trip. As you can see we really love dairy. Well, I actually love dairy. I might even be addicted to cheese. Yogurt with granola and strawberries is a breakfast I can't have just about everyday. I don't eggs though. That's for the hubby. We refill the water jug from the tap with our Brita filter. Diet soda isn't great, but we love it. There are potatoes and cassava in the crisper drawers. There are also tons of condiments, dressings and spices on the fridge door.
Lots of fish and chicken towards the back of the freezer. The garlic naan is a bit high in calories (190 each) but they make a good lunch when topped with marinara sauce and part-skim mozzarella. We usually keep a bag of broccoli and other veggies around for quick dinners. The frozen mango and passion fruit (middle) are great for shakes. Haven't made one in a while, might have one for lunch tomorrow.
I managed to lose 7 pounds in January. My goal was 8 pounds but I'd call it pretty much a success. Here are my accomplishments for January:
- Exercised 10 days
- Increased my treadmill time by 5 minutes, increased speed by .5 mph
- Tracked my food intake everyday
Here are my goals for February:
- Exercise 4xs a week (16 days)
- Drink more water
- No eating after 8:30pm
- Increase treadmill time by 5 minutes
- Exercise and track calories while on vacation
Thanks for following my blog!
You're freezer/fridge looks well stocked!!
Great job on your loss and your exercise! You're doing awesome!
Keep tracking your food; I think that is a vital key to weight loss!
Thanks, Marisa! Love your blog. :)
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