To Set Goals or Not to Set Goals

Not setting a goal date is a tough thing...something i can't do (just yet.) I've set countless goals, all of which have failed. Everything from, "I'll lose 50 pounds this year" to "I'll lose 50 pounds this week" have been given serious thought at some point in my life. We all wish we can change ourselves for the better...overnight, no less. And just about everyone who has succeeded will tell you that you're setting yourself up for failure if you believe that.

As of today, my main goal is to lose 50 pounds by my 30th birthday (about 10 months.) This is not my ultimate goal, just a starting number. Honestly, I don't want to think about my actual goal weight any time soon. Here is a breakdown:

  • Current weight (as of 4/21/08): 220 lbs
  • Current jeans size: 16 (tight)
  • First goal weight: 170 lbs
  • Ultimate goal weight: 140 lbs
I don't subscribe to American guidelines of ideal weight. If I did, I would have to be approximately 115 lbs, according to my height. My lowest weight as an adult was 128 lbs, even so, I appeared very slim, even sickly at that weight.

I don't expect any weight change for this coming weigh-in on Sunday.
All of this being said, I plan on taking it one day at a time.

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