This morning I put together a bowl of plain yogurt (fage brand), pecan praline granola and sliced strawberries. This has been my usual breakfast for about a month...although I usually get it at McDonald's. For some reason, I had a tough time getting it down. I think it's because the yogurt was unflavored. I also have a hard time eating first thing in the morning. My routine has been to eat at 10am. This isn't best for my metabolism, but I'm working on it.
Weekly charts and lists seemed to fall apart the next morning when I walk out the door, forgetting to take my lunch and snacks with me. My husband, on the other hand, has it down to a science. He irons his clothes, washes the dishes (I know...lucky me!), and preps his healthy lunch before clockwork. I'm going to try to go one step beyond. I will be pre-packing my lunches for the whole week on Sunday. Saturday is grocery day, making it a perfect opportunity to pick up all of the essentials. Pre-packing lunches will not only save me time in the morning (or before bed), but also save me money. It's hard to get a decent lunch in New York City under $7.
So wish me luck as I mass-cook chicken breast, veggies and whatever else seems like it can last 5 days. I'll be sure to tell you how that escapade went. Now to remember to take it with me in the morning!
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