Hi, Remember Me?

It's been a tough couple of weeks trying to fall back into my routine after vacay. I've had a lot on my mind lately. I've been a little preoccupied with planning and researching for a possible change in my life. My health has sort of slipped from the forefront but I've made a few strides to keep things on the right path. Some of my bad habits have come back to haunt, especially not drinking enough water. I haven't tracked my food intake since before vacation. I've been stress eating a bit although no where near as bad as in the past. I've slipped in a couple of workouts since returning but I need to really get into the gym on a regular basis again. First step's admitting I have a problem...right?

The good news is I'm down a pound from my pre-vacation weigh-in. I was actually up 4 pounds when I got back which I'm sure was due to sodium and dessert overload. Spring is around the corner so it's time to kick back into high gear. I'll start tracking and planning meals tomorrow.

Side note: I just re-discovered Fage yogurt. I tried it once without a sweetner and was overwhelmed by the tart taste. I decided to try it again with Splenda (yea, I'm weening myself off) and my usual granola. It is DELICIOUS! It's expensive but if it makes me look forward to breakfast than I'm all for it.

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