Cleanse, Goals, Resolutions...Major Update

Hi. I'm finally taking the time to reflect on my weight loss journey. There's so much to say so here we go.

My first attempt at the Master Cleanse was a total flop. I tried it for about 1/2 a day. I got a bad headache and felt dizzy so I gave in. I just don't think the timing was right. I am now left with a bunch of lemons and maple syrup that'll collect dust in my kitchen cabinet. I haven't totally given up on fasting. I plan on revisiting this and trying again -with way better preparation- sometime in February.

2008 was such a roller coaster ride for me. This wasn't one of my "better" years, especially in the health dept. I haven't made a inch of progress, but I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I didn't expect 29 years of food/weight issues to disappear in one year. What I know is that the key to making an progress with weight has come from 1. preparation, 2. keeping a food journal and 3. being patient. I really need to kick these three things into high gear this year.

It's the day before New Year's Eve (New Year's Adam?) and I'm thinking about my resolutions for 2009. I love making resolutions. I'm fine with not completing all of them, just a fact of life. It's a great feeling to accomplish some of them. I usually categorize them into personal, finance, family, and health. Here are my health resolutions for 2009:

1. Lose 50 pounds -This has been at the top of my list for at least 5 years. It's really time this comes off of my list.
2. Drink more water -I really don't drink enough water. Why? I don't know. I know I'd see so many benefits if I drank at least 6 cups of water a day.
3. Take a daily vitamin -This is a must.
4. Exercise at least 3xs a week -Another must. I'll leave this open to any form of exercise for at least 30 minutes.
5. Stretch daily -I love stretching. It's another form of meditation in my mind. I just need to remember to do it everyday!

I might have to be the crazy lady with post-it note reminders all over the house. Seriously though, I'll be setting reminders in my g-cal. They actually work.

So what are my immediate goals? As you know, setting goals is tough for me. My half-hearted goals haven't served me well in the past. My day-to-day goals are basically my resolutions. The only way I'm going to succeed is to keep them at "the top of my head", as I like to put it. Here are my revised goals for 2009:

  • Current weight (as of 12/30/08): 224.6 lbs
  • Current jeans size: 16 (tight)
  • First major goal: 200 lbs
  • Second major goal: 175 lbs
  • Ultimate goal weight: 150 lbs
I hope all of you are already holding fast to your weight loss goals or getting ready to start your own journey. Good luck everyone and I wish you all the best of health for 2009!

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