Fitness Isn't Achieved in a Day

We all know that Rome wasn't built in a day. So how can we expect ourselves to change years (even decades) of bad habits overnight? Yesterday was pretty rough for me. Everyone wants to be at their ideal weight NOW...including me. This is definitely one of the reasons why I've failed to lose weight over the years. I'm guilty of this way of thinking. Actually, it's this way of thinking that zaps my motivation. It's a vicious cycle. On my way to work this morning, I began thinking about where I'd like to be. One month from now...three months...6 months...1 year. The next thought that ran through my head is being exactly the same at those milestones. It's hard taking it one day at a time, even one meal at a time.

I have a fitness binder. This is just one motivational tool I use. It's stuffed with pages from magazines, inspirational photos, tips, spreadsheets and more. I pull it out whenever I need at little push. Reading blogs, fitness articles and before & after photos also help me stay focused. This blog has also helped me to stay motivated. :)

One of my favorite magazines is Men's Health. I find the mag to be much more to the point (I love bulleted lists), full of tips and beautifully designed.I'd say 80% of the content is unisex. I subscribed to Shape and Fitness for a while, but lost interest. Too many fluff articles on What to Wear to the Gym and not enough What to Do at the Gym. It's been a couple of years, so I may pick them up at the newsstand to see what's new.

How do you stay motivated?


Scott Tousignant said...

Great post. Those are excellent ways to stay motivated. And you are absolutely correct that everyone wants the results NOW! Including me ;)

Short term and long term goals do help for sure. But what I have found to motivate me the most is attaching optimal health to fulfilling my lifes purpose. I wrote about it here...

I do a lot of different things to motivate myself. That's the best part about developing an unstoppable mindset. Here's a video showing how I put up pictures of abs and inspirational quotes all over my house...

My wife Angie recently achieved 6 pack abs and one of her motivators was buying a smaller size bathing suit that she wanted to fit in. You can listen to her story here...

Motivation is going to be different for everyone, but what you have to realize is that it comes from within.

Other people can inspire you, but the true motivation comes from yourself... now that's empowering!

Keep up the great work. It's a beautiful journey.

Scott Tousignant

Fit By 2009 said...

Thank you so much, Scott! I will be checking out every link tomorrow...too tired after my work out :). This is going right into my fitness binder! hehe

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